is if you signed up at otheriwse they don't ask for an email address.

Yep, that's what I figured, and I've never done that.

Unless the personal info was sold and someone matched it up to an email address, I am not seeing how the spammers got the address unless Walgreens had it on file.

Only other way is if they raid trash and collect medicine bottles. I don't know how ambitious and determined spammers are. When I throw out a medicine bottle, I scratch out my name and address and etc off it.

I get all kinds of pharmacutical Spam, sometimes for medicine I don't need like Viagra, Herbal Suppliments, Weight Gainers, Breast Enlarger pills, Hair Loss Pills, etc. I even get Vicoden Spams, though I am not in pain and haven't needed it for a long time now. I often wonder how legal it is to sell this sort of medicine over the Internet without a doctor's perscription. Not very legal I would think.

Well, I get all the sex ones too, Viagra, and the body image inhancing ones. I never read very far though, I delete those. But I've never gotten any spam related to any of my drugs I take, not once. Only drug I take I've ever gotten mail from is allegra, but we get the Allegra newsletter, so that mail comes in the snail mail.

Nightowl >8#