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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New What to do
1) Eat right - nothing makes you feel like shit like a bad diet. Yes good food costs more - spend the buck and if you don't cook this is a fine time to learn.

2) Work out - if you don't - start - if you do - keep it up and maybe kick up the intensity a notch.

3) Network your ass off - that's the gig these days - you gotta make your own opening - meet people, collect business cards, spend a half day on the phone and sending email every day "touching base". (Just ask what's going on with them - offer to help - pass on leads if you hear of any you can't use).

4) Find fun free stuff to do and do it - try to enjoy your extra time - go to museums - free concerts - whatever you can that's cheap.

5) Check your local business journal - it will have a leads section - start going to these meetings first one is free - same for rotary club, optimist club, lions club, whatever - wherever people gather just go - have a good time - enjoy people - do NOT say you're looking for a job - DO say you're looking for more networking opportunities in your field - can they recommend any gatherings.

6) Print personal business cards - get them cheap from vistaprint.com if you're in the US - don't pay extra to have the vistaprint logo removed - I see vistaprint cards everywhere - even with people who have successful companies - you'll just look frugal.

7) Limit your computer time to 1/2 day. Its easy to bury yourself in the web - it just makes you tired and feel spent. Keep up on technology - start a shareware project if you like - but its really easy for us types to use it as a crutch.

8) Join a job search group if you can find one - swap leads.

This is what I'm doing - I like to think it will lead to a good position soon. At least it makes me feel hopeful.

Good luck.

In Java, you can't escape the creepy feeling.

     --James Gosling
New Thanks for the good advice
Everything you said is absolutley right. I am starting to network, in fact I have a lead from a former co-worker which I am going to follow up on Monday.
     Just got laid off - (bluke) - (12)
         Condolences. Best of luck with the search! -NT - (Another Scott)
         It's true, then, that... - (jb4) - (5)
             Definately - (bluke) - (4)
                 What we need is a reform in business - (orion) - (1)
                     Syndicated columnist - (lincoln)
                 Unions - (jake123)
                 Thomas Jefferson had the answer - (jb4)
         Compete! - (gdaustin)
         Sorry to hear. What's the general outlook in Israel? - (kmself) - (1)
             Not great - (bluke)
         What to do - (tuberculosis) - (1)
             Thanks for the good advice - (bluke)

You wouldn't know what normal was if it rode into town on the normal express, kicked down your door with its size normal boots, danced into your living room wearing nothing but the word "normal" and sang "normality is here again" on your dining room table whilst dancing the foxtrot.
35 ms