Post #117,638
9/12/03 12:44:01 PM

You mean, aside from being a wonderful city in general?
Come on, Brian. Having been to both places (lived in Austin for 4 years (1994-1997), visited Boulder for Thanksgiving weekend in '94), they are both gorgeous. Very similar, actually. Both college towns (and both colleges are very good schools (and they're both Big XII schools, no less!)) Austin's got the government there that Boulder lacks (point, Boulder.) Both have beautiful scenery in and around the town -- Austin has the Hill Country, and Boulder has the Rockies.
But, since you live there and I used to, you and I both know that Texa(n)s will never STFU about how great their home is. It's a fact of life. Accept it and move on.
Post #117,649
9/12/03 3:11:34 PM

Accept what?
you and I both know that Texa(n)s will never STFU about how great their home is. It's a fact of life. Accept it and move on.
Accept the fact that the average Texan walks around with a 500 pound chip on their shoulder about how "great" they are due to the fact that their mother gave birth to them in that state? Give me a break!!! Austin is a nice town, I'll grant you that, but the arrogance of the native born Texans is unmatched by residents of any other state. What makes a "Texan" so much better than a resident of any other state anyway? When a Texan talks, you could enjoy the constant breeze - IF it wasn't all hot air.
"Windows XP has so many holes in its security that any reasonable user will conclude it was designed by the same German officer who created the prison compound in "Hogan's Heroes." - Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times [link||VB/SQL resume] [link||Tandem resume] [link||contact me]
Post #117,659
9/12/03 4:07:22 PM

Do you really expect to fix anything here?
Post #117,831
9/15/03 8:05:48 AM
9/15/03 8:08:13 AM

I'd rather live in Naperville
It's a far BETTER city with far BETTER people.
Austin's problems could be easily fixed by a couple of nuclear warheads...
I also noticed how you didn't provide any substantiation to your claim as to WHY Austin/Texas is so great. Where's the foundation for your opinion?
"Windows XP has so many holes in its security that any reasonable user will conclude it was designed by the same German officer who created the prison compound in "Hogan's Heroes." - Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times [link||VB/SQL resume] [link||Tandem resume] [link||contact me]

Edited by lincoln
Sept. 15, 2003, 08:08:13 AM EDT
Post #117,839
9/15/03 10:09:10 AM

Re: I'd rather live in Naperville
It's a far BETTER city with far BETTER people. I'm not disputing that. I also noticed how you didn't provide any substantiation to your claim as to WHY Austin/Texas is so great. Where's the foundation for your opinion? Look. I happen to like the city of Austin. I have fond memories of the place, it's beautiful, and if I absolutely had to live in Texas, it would be in Austin. There's not enough money in the world to make me want to live in Houston, DFW, or just about anywhere else other than the Hill Country. I don't need to substantiate those opinions (which are mine and mine alone) to you or anyone else. I never claimed that Texans walking around with your 500 pound chip on their shoulders was the right way to do things. I merely stated that it's a fact of life. You and I arguing about it here ain't gonna change jack schitt. This is my last reply along this thread.
Post #117,899
9/15/03 9:45:26 PM

What a sad answer
I never claimed that Texans walking around with your 500 pound chip on their shoulders was the right way to do things. I merely stated that it's a fact of life.
Yes, Texans do walk around with a chip on their shoulders, believing that they're better than other people due to the luck of the draw for their birth location. They have no valid reason(s) for this belief. What is it that you claim to be "a fact of life": that they walk around with a chip on their shoulder or the reason that they put the chip on their shoulder in the first place? Having visited Boulder, and having once lived in Austin for 4 years (which I no longer do), I find Boulder more visually appealing. I BELIEVE that the people of Boulder would be better to live among. At least when I state my opinion, I label it as such.
"Windows XP has so many holes in its security that any reasonable user will conclude it was designed by the same German officer who created the prison compound in "Hogan's Heroes." - Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times [link||VB/SQL resume] [link||Tandem resume] [link||contact me]
Post #117,900
9/15/03 9:47:37 PM

Lighten up, Francis.
There's a big misunderstanding going on here, and I don't think it's on Mike's part...
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #117,918
9/16/03 8:12:58 AM

Clarify your post, please
Since I'm not following your train of thought. What are you implying?
"Windows XP has so many holes in its security that any reasonable user will conclude it was designed by the same German officer who created the prison compound in "Hogan's Heroes." - Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times [link||VB/SQL resume] [link||Tandem resume] [link||contact me]
Post #117,920
9/16/03 8:21:08 AM

Re: Clarify your post, please
I'm implying that you are misunderstanding what Mike is saying. Quit attacking him for five minutes and read for comprehension instead.
-scott anderson
"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
Post #117,978
9/16/03 9:41:47 PM

I don't comprehend vagueness
which his post contained, in my opinion. And since he refuses to clarify it himself, I say we'll never know what he really meant.
I think that you're reading too much into my post by saying that I'm "attacking" him; if that's what you think, then you didn't comprehend properly what I actually wrote.
Check my history - I have yet to even get into a heated discussion with ANYBODY in this site or its predecessor, let alone "attack" anyone.
"Windows XP has so many holes in its security that any reasonable user will conclude it was designed by the same German officer who created the prison compound in "Hogan's Heroes." - Andy Ihnatko, Chicago Sun-Times [link||VB/SQL resume] [link||Tandem resume] [link||contact me]
Post #117,769
9/14/03 5:38:05 AM

Re: You mean, aside from being a wonderful city in general?
Boulder was a town of racist hypocrites who tortured the black athletes on the U of Co. football team. I hated that place like no other I've visited.
If you want to REALLY despise liberals, spend a week in Boulder.
Post #117,795
9/14/03 7:06:02 PM

Intolerance is androgynous, Gaussian and needs no sub-labels