How do you state the obvious
All we have to say is that Scott Ritter was spot on & knew it.
Those who wanted the war for reasons beyond WMD didn't want Scott Riter to be heard or believed.
It is stunning how so many among us keep denying the obvious, but as long as we can say 'But Saddam was an evil man' we can still justify why the war took place & ignore the nagging doubts.
Now we have the spectacle of an increasingly embattled president trying to tough it out - each speech keeps association 'war on terror' with 'invading Iraq' when it is plainly clear who is being terrorised and what the motives are.
On top of this we have the further spectacle of US leadership trying to get other UN nations to now supply targets for the Iraqi & Arabs who keep using US & British for target practice. First you s... on them then when things go wrong, try to suck them in to become alterate targets. Bush knows that each dead US soldier is another little nail in his electoral coffin. Hmmmm, so what nations will be dumb enough to extract Bush from his own pile of s...
I trust none will.
Doug Marker