But (as your sig underscores - and again by CRC) where does this simple-minded me-me-me::fuck you mindset end? Humm-Vees all around, with armor plate and 'cow catchers' on front, like other locomotives - 2 mpg?
And isn't it postulated upon the same intentional insouciance of the '50s Murican behemoths? - those ridiculed at the time, via such as The Insolent Chariots - quite pre-Nader and Corvair mindlessness.. (The later refined Corvair, killed by hype - proved to be quite stable, considering the average hunk of Detroit iron it should reasonably be compared with.)
Despite '73 and all the ObOb-lessons since: "I wanna save MY family and.. and.. Fuck Yours - and damn the cost in resources" -- is certainly indicative of the bizness ethic seen rampant all the way to 'prisons for profit'. Seems our national disease and, it shows.
And the hidden costs? The solvents, waste generated in the energy-intensive processes within the making of EACH part of each car/'van'/tank creation - these are akin to the massive toxic contaminations in Si Valley / the exposures of Manpower Inc. min-wage, no-benefits slaves who work around the cyanides, chlorocarbons and other ugly materials: so today's 1 GHz Athlon can be tomorrow's kewl 2 GHz Gorgon -- and ten million more PCs can hit the landfill. Because .. the new, slower OS ... [we know all this shit].
ie it is by definition er short-sighted as are all new products ever launched without a slightest concern for the life-cycle, the disposal (Pampers anyone?) and the consequences overall. Like today:
We MUST make nice noises about the fascist Saudi-Arabia regime - for our insatiable need to produce oversized, inefficient playtoys, which we can... (and do) rationalize as um 'safer': if it only wipes out some Other family but--- I'm OK.
See *anything* wrong with this pattern?