The fish allegory of the caves, eh?
(And it's All true, btw)

Also have a friend in hock to the Feds (and in a field that never would pay a tiny fraction of the Gone-forever .com numbers: 'languages'. Can't get a CIEIO from Those. But you can sure talk dumb without 'Those' being understood, around a society.)

Thanks to the rampant Repo mindset - and Efficiency = all those $ saved not-attending to physical infrastructure (no profit in That) and edjaKayshun - (nope, no Return by next Quarter):

There IS no Murican educational system except: what you pay for during.. and for the rest of your life. That Universal Education thing? Another long-gone aspect of the Dream (notice how Often today that 'American Dream' mantra gets repeated? What is it, Freddie Mac? - who incorporate it into every ad for new home loans).

I suspect though.. when torturing self with that long-term repayment plan your sig. is affixed-to: there are apt to be amnesties for educational loans..

(Assuming of course, that the country is not [via some horrible perdition of Karmic Repayment] doomed to live out the Prescott Bush Clan's plan for a Dynastic series of Shrub's siblings, one-at-a-time.. until the entire GNP is safely removed to the Cayman Islands' bulging computers)

ie I believe you have too-much company! for the bean counters to be able to maintain this much of a permanent Albatross on so many backs. (No evidence to support this; just seems the way it Must go, unless we're so fucked that .. but let's not go There)

