I don't need to work in IT to fit it into the larger picture - the scale least likely to appear in OpEd columns or be slavered over by Corp Newsfotainment. (The idea would rate a 93-second mini-rant only.. at some late night hour. Followed by Tom Tomorrow's blow-dried caricatures: smirking at each other .. as they move to sports.)
The Middle Class across the board: THAT is the monopoly-money that is being rapidly traded-away for the appearance of an at least 'positive' Next-Quarter pile of Econ BS. Artfully-selected Stats: the preferred BS of All Investor/Wall St. mindsets - in vacuo of the human consequences of all these faux-deliberations.
Few of these holders of 'creative TLA Titles' have actually Worked Hard for a day's pay - whereby something tangible had to be produced and on a regular basis (except during summer gigs, while getting that junk-MBA). These are folks who could not master a Real university course - and who planned to coast on others' labor.. for life. It used to sorta 'work', too. I recall the Boom in MBA courses a while back (and knew some of the acolytes - pretty soon they began to Talk Funny.)
Little wonder that a mixture of duplicity and yes- long-time conspiracy (!) would receive such damn-little attention: we are the Euphemism Capital of the world and we Love that Murican Dream even more desperately.. as the nightmare-aspect is slowly unmasking, so that Any idiot can see it.
Solutions? [Hah] - Epiphany! - how do you arrange for one of those ?? short of blood in the streets: of disappointed Yuppies This Time! (along with the old-time brothers, long long aware of the Dream-scam).
Sheesh - we Love comfy Dumbth more than survival.