If there is an Online Petition, please let me know so I can sign it.

I already have a company, it is currently inactive and is registered as a hobby. If I can take some business courses, I may be able to turn it around. I already have development skills and I could do freelance work if needed from home. Believe it or not I am trying to read a book on Java and another on Delphi (thanks to CRConrand's suggestion and me learning Pascal in College).

Solving the problem:
#1 I have a company, if I learn more business smarts I may be able to make some money off of it.

#2 I used to work as a Federal Contractor, I still have connections. Problem is I'd have to move out of state to Huntsville Alabama to work for the base there.

#3 I did work as a tuitor for Comp Sci students for free once. While I couldn't handle a class room, I am sure I could do tutoring.

#4 Not sure what my skills are in other areas, I've been a computer geek my whole life. I cannot even scamble an egg correctly, not sure if I could cook for a living.


#1 This may come true, unless they teach the employees to speak English better and learn better program design. I predict that many IT staffers will be sent overseas to train the individuals there to program better and communicate better.

#2 Maybe India is pushing salaries up, all that means is that companies will have to outsource to other countries like Thailand, Mexico, The Phillipines, etc. It has happened before and will happen again.

#3a I worked with a man who came to the US from China. He could write complex code that did amazing things and we both learned ASP together. He has three Engineering degrees from China, and could communicate very well with me over the programs we worked on. He was an Engineer, not a Programmer, so I had to help him learn Visual BASIC and ASP until he progressed to a level that he didn't need me anymore to teach him. Later he got his MCSD and quit the law firm and went to work as a Contractor making a lot of money. So don't count the Chinese out yet, many of them are able to adapt to a new environment. China is now trying to reject Microsoft software and only wants to buy from local Chinese companies. So chances are that they will develop their own alternatives to existing products. Imagine a Chinese Windows clone, etc.

#3b Me, I'll vote for an Independant canidate. Problem is that most Americans are voting for either Democrat or Republican canidates. With Bush's approval ratings, he might very well get elected unless the Democrats can come up with someone who can really challenge him.

#4 I help fix friends and family's computers for free. If I have to, I can get a job fixing computers, ordering parts, etc. Not as high paying as Development, but at least I can earn an income. The job requires the IT Staffer to be on-site to fix the local computers.

Healthcare, I'd rather be the one developing the software that Doctors and Nurses use than be a Nurse myself. I don't have what it takes to be a Nurse, my wife who is a LPN said so as she knows me. I hope to get a niche market with Nursing Homes, as Boomers will retire a lot, and they'll need a computer database to keep track of meds, incident reports, etc.