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New Re: This must be your "thing"...
I cannot disagree more with this Pollyanna-ism.

What we are seeing, and what has Linc riled, is the ruination of the middle class - indeed, the idea of a stable, relatively prosperous middle class was an abberation of the post-war reconstruction - and what we are seeing is the fadeout of that brief period - and I don't like it, and Linc doesn't like it, and he's 100% dead-on correct.

Do your "thing" Linc - you are right on.
New Seconded
I don't need to work in IT to fit it into the larger picture - the scale least likely to appear in OpEd columns or be slavered over by Corp Newsfotainment. (The idea would rate a 93-second mini-rant only.. at some late night hour. Followed by Tom Tomorrow's blow-dried caricatures: smirking at each other .. as they move to sports.)

The Middle Class across the board: THAT is the monopoly-money that is being rapidly traded-away for the appearance of an at least 'positive' Next-Quarter pile of Econ BS. Artfully-selected Stats: the preferred BS of All Investor/Wall St. mindsets - in vacuo of the human consequences of all these faux-deliberations.

Few of these holders of 'creative TLA Titles' have actually Worked Hard for a day's pay - whereby something tangible had to be produced and on a regular basis (except during summer gigs, while getting that junk-MBA). These are folks who could not master a Real university course - and who planned to coast on others' labor.. for life. It used to sorta 'work', too. I recall the Boom in MBA courses a while back (and knew some of the acolytes - pretty soon they began to Talk Funny.)

Little wonder that a mixture of duplicity and yes- long-time conspiracy (!) would receive such damn-little attention: we are the Euphemism Capital of the world and we Love that Murican Dream even more desperately.. as the nightmare-aspect is slowly unmasking, so that Any idiot can see it.

Solutions? [Hah] - Epiphany! - how do you arrange for one of those ?? short of blood in the streets: of disappointed Yuppies This Time! (along with the old-time brothers, long long aware of the Dream-scam).

Sheesh - we Love comfy Dumbth more than survival.

Karsten M. Self [link|mailto:kmself@ix.netcom.com|kmself@ix.netcom.com]\r\n
What part of "gestalt" don't you understand?\r\n
[link|http://twiki.iwethey.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/|TWikIWETHEY] -- an experiment in collective intelligence. Stupidity. Whatever.\r\n
   Keep software free.     Oppose the CBDTPA.     Kill S.2048 dead.\r\n[link|http://www.eff.org/alerts/20020322_eff_cbdtpa_alert.html|http://www.eff.org/alerts/20020322_eff_cbdtpa_alert.html]\r\n
New But Ross...
Are you willing to kill the rich, risk your neck, challenge the government (who just required me to sign the Patriot Act) to make a change?

I doubt there are very many in America that are willing to risk their prime time shows and AOL chat line to change the way things are done around here...

Yet, the sacrifice it will take in the next generation just to pay the retirements of Baby Boomers on Social Security could bankrupt us all.

I want to go polly-anna, because I share your angst. I HATE where we're at, right now. As I posted in a different post, I've invested 20 years in the computer industry and I'm MAD AS HELL that a bunch of Indians and Chinese want to pretend they understand computers, make a bunch of promises, and take it away from us all.

But, like I said in the other post. I just don't see that there's a whole lot I can do about it, except save a bunch of money and batton down the hatches and expect a rough ride, if/when I ever lose my job. In the meantime, I have to work like hell to avoid being the "next layoff", even working weekends, if necessary to keep the income coming in.

I want a new Populist party. I want candidates who give a DAMN about AMERICA and AMERICANS! I want someone who cares enough about the citizens here to fund education programs. I want someone tough enough to tell a bunch of people feeding at the federal till to GET OUT, and to put most all of the government admin types on a budget diet. A want a budget that operates at a surplus for the next 20 years and pays down our huge trillion dollar federal debt. I want tariffs for foreign imports, based on working conditions, and pollution levels, and basically make imports taxed until they meet the same conditions factories are required to maintain in the U.S. Either that, or we repeal our pollution and labor laws, and we allow our factories to operate like those in China (I'm NOT in favor of that). I want our military out of Iraq and Liberia, and Afghanistan. I want power companies investing in windmills in Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas to generate power. I want us to collective use our brainpower to figure out that WE DON'T NEED SOME DAMN ARAB'S OIL, we can create electricity from the sea, the rivers, and from the wind.

Funny, I'm actually starting to want a single payer health care system, too. I don't like the government taking on the complete responsibility for healthcare, but I really do believe that for most people, the English and Canadian systems work better than the mess we have. The state governments are already paying so much healthcare, Medicaid, that we might as well nationalize it. I want patients under the new system to sign that they will not sue doctors, except for cases for gross negligence resulting in disability or death. If the patient wants the right to sue, then they need to visit a "private" doctor, and pay for the insurance costs.

I want every high school or college graduate to serve our country for 2 years, either in the military or in some service capacity (in veteran's hospitals, in low-income schools, as border guards, as auditors of private company books, working in IT for the government).

I want every executive's salary capped at about 1 million dollars per year, for base compensation. I want a 6 month minimum reporting period for companies (to stop this quarterly earnings insanity). I want the tax rate for persons making over 250 thousand per year to be 70% or 80%.

Do I want too much?

     More layoff casualties are taking what they can get - (lincoln) - (23)
         This must be your "thing"... - (gdaustin) - (21)
             POTD! Some comments. - (Another Scott) - (9)
                 Disagree Somewhat.... - (gdaustin) - (8)
                     How do I respond to this? - (lincoln) - (6)
                         Re: How do I respond to this? - (orion)
                         Sorry... - (gdaustin) - (4)
                             It depresses me too - (orion)
                             I know that song. - (inthane-chan) - (2)
                                 Hang on there - (orion)
                                 Re: I know that song. - (Ashton)
                     Do the same thing I do - (boxley)
             Re: This must be your "thing"... - (deSitter) - (3)
                 Seconded - (Ashton)
                 ObAOL -NT - (kmself)
                 But Ross... - (gdaustin)
             What we can do - (orion)
             I disagree, I'm probably wrong - (mhuber) - (5)
                 very well said - (deSitter) - (4)
                     Computers as a career - (orion) - (3)
                         Maybe you're getting it.. - (Ashton) - (2)
                             Maybe I'm done for - (orion) - (1)
                                 I guess I can't say this in 2-syllable or less words - (mhuber)
         I know how he feels - (jake123)

The telltale breath with sen-sen.
121 ms