"What's your Quake frame rate?"...
...I asked the zSeries guy at the LWE IBM booth.
He didn't have a number for the machine he was demoing, but he did have a rate for about three generations back. Not very high, naturally, as the video support on the boxes isn't all that great....
Still some interesting stuff. Mostly noted that they were set up to run SuSE, Red Hat, and Debian, on LPARs, the last of which somewhat surprised me. Also sort of neat to note that the system console was a Thinkpad laptop. Well, actually two of them (virtually all systems are redudant), running....OS2. Recognized the widget set. Apparently Windows doesn't scale to the number of processes required fyr system management.
This particular box (8 engines, four in use, only one book filled) was powering demos and systems in three booths at LWE. Including one SuSE demo which just spit out and launched new Linux images -- was at 350 or so when I stopped by to check. They've hit something in the order of 60-90k images in a single LPAR.
Big boxen.
Edited by
Aug. 9, 2003, 01:50:21 AM EDT
""What's your Quake frame rate?"...
...I asked the zSeries guy at the LWE IBM booth.
He didn't have a number for the machine he was demoing, but he did have a rate for about three generations back. Not very high, naturally, as the video support on the boxes isn't all that great....
Still some interesting stuff. Mostly noted that they were set up to run SuSE, Red Hat, and Debian, on LPARs, the last of which somewhat surprised me. Also sort of neat to note that the system console was a Thinkpad laptop. Well, actually two of them (virtually all systems are redudant), running....OS2. Recognized the widget set. Apparently Windows doesn't scale to the number of processes required fyr system management.
This particular box (8 engines, four in use, only one book filled) was powering demos and systems in three booths at LWE. Including one SuSE demo which just spit out and launched new Linux images -- was at 350 or so when I stopped by to check. They've hit something in the order of 60-90k images in a single LPAR.
Big boxen.
Karsten M. Self [link|mailto:kmself@ix.netcom.com|kmself@ix.netcom.com]
What part of "gestalt" don't you understand?
[link|http://twiki.iwethey.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/|TWikIWETHEY] -- an experiment in collective intelligence. Stupidity. Whatever.
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