Re: The People's Republic.
The [link|http://www.hlkklaw.com/livingwage/news/kcrw11072002.html|reason] I mentioned it is an old reputation:
"It was once so liberal that landlords and developers called it the "People's Republic of Santa Monica," but Tom Hayden's gone mainstream, Jane Fonda's moved away, and rent control has been pre-empted by state law.
And [link|http://www.capmag.com/article.asp?ID=1034|another]:
The Santa Monica City Council is now considering a law -- repeat, a law -- mandating that private homeowners spend their own money to make their homes handicap "visitable." But what about the Constitution? What about property rights? The People's Republic of Santa Monica, remember? The land of below-market rent-controlled apartments whose tenants drive BMWs while their landlords drive Hondas.
A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul. -- George Bernard Shaw