Thou sayest..
My view is that the parallels are biting us on the nose. Fundament-alists' methods are here simply adapted to our vulnerabilities:
Exploit the 24/7 two-working parents fact of Corporate hegemony - use your leisure time to pack school boards, waste their energies in combatting prayers in school; 'Creation science' and other patent religious dogma.
Parlay the chaos sown into rendering the public school system even less effective than it has become = kill it finally, by sending voucher money. Thus end the ideal of Murican Founding Mothers - an education for all. (But please to call it: 'for bizness efficiency')
Instead get: hundreds of sects, raising new little partisans for God, all unaware of the diversity of 'beliefs' out there = all unaware of any idea of community.
(And that's just One parallel with the aims of such as the Taliban, and Ayatollahs everywhere - right here) Methinks 'fundamentalism' is the folder; Taliban, Ayatollah, bin Laden or Foulwell - just the files within.