What is your memory budget? Persistent storage? Is there a file system? Do you drive a display? What about a network interface?
Whatever the device will support. (1MB for the 80186, 64K for the HJC1x or the 8051...you get the picture).
EPROM or Flash. We partition the total memory address space between ROM and RAM.
Not usually. I did recently get to work on a box that supported QNX as its OS/Kernel, and we used a 486 in protected mode. A "file system" was supported (the flash was made to look like a file system). Such luxuries are rare, however....
Yes, generally an LCD of insufficient size ;-) . sometimes color, often monochrome, never using standard parts (except for that QNX box I mentioned earlier...)
In your (and my) dreams....
So what I hear you saying is that we download a VM-equivalent for Smalltalk, then download class definitions, and away we go?