Because now I'm trying to figure out how you put a null integer into the container in the first place. My guess is if autoboxing is implemented, then nobody will bother with using the wrapper classes directly (since they can't even be used for arithmetic now anyhow).
IOW, you are never going to see this in brand new 1.5 code:
Integer i = new Integer(5).
List list = new ArrayList();
when you can do:
List<int> list = new ArrayList<int>();
So how do you put a null value into this list?
Is the problem this:
List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();
list.add(new Integer(5)); // do you need to do this or should the autoboxing make it an Integer?
then the argument is
int i = list.get(0);
which should require a cast anyhow since the list type is Object.
Hmmmm. I'm not seeing it.