I've never bought into the argument that Americans don't like hockey because there's fighting in it. Hogwash. Aside from the original four American markets and the original expansion markets, there isn't much interest because there is no natural ice there. No skating, no hockey.
Watching hockey for "hockey" was like watch a porn movie for the plot. The hockey was a transition from fight to fight... the porn "plot" was an excuse to switch sex scenes.
I, for one, quit watching professional hockey because of the fighting. And, now that I've seen that it's been toned down, returned to hockey, I may start watching it again.
I do agree with your lack of ice, lack of interest. We have lots of ice here (usually). And was hard to see the No Stars move to Dallas (Because of Debbie?). Dallas and hockey? California and hockey? Let's move the games outside on natural ice, and get the interest back. Of course there goes the money...