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     AOL helped create Microsoft's browser monopoly - (Steve Lowe) - (6)
         Where is the original article? -NT - (SpiceWare) - (1)
             my bad - (Steve Lowe)
         I think you underestimate AOL - (drewk) - (2)
             I think you're optimistic - (wharris2)
             Re: I think you underestimate AOL - (Steve Lowe)
         AOL is a "Media Whore" - (nking)
     Depositions are closed, media get to file briefs - (marlowe) - (3)
         Oh, it's the designated - (imric)
         It may not be a big deal. - (Another Scott) - (1)
             The ruling is up. - (Another Scott)
     Nobel 'Economist' speaks - (Ashton) - (12)
         I hope the judge weighs this with the pro-MS comments: - (Steven A S) - (10)
             Silly! It ain't a bribe, it's Marketing! -NT - (jb4)
             Where does this fall? - (Silverlock) - (8)
                 Need a new term - (wharris2) - (5)
                     Nice but doesn't quite capture it. - (Silverlock) - (4)
                         How 'bout: - (jb4) - (3)
                             Shilling out in favor of the Seattlement :) - (Silverlock) - (2)
                                 Seattleturf -NT - (wharris2) - (1)
                                     We have a winnah! -NT - (Silverlock)
                 Pay-per-turf. -NT - (admin) - (1)
                     How to choose? - (Silverlock)
         Re: Nobel 'Economist' speaks - (jb4)
     MS Denied motion in AT case. - (Steve Lowe) - (2)
         From which we learn that Judge K-K has bought into... - (CRConrad) - (1)
             In spite of the Flying Finn's aspersions... - (jb4)
     More Tunney trouble - (marlowe) - (1)
         Update - (marlowe)
     Netscape sues Microsoft again - (marlowe) - (7)
         Oh, silly me. - (marlowe)
         Netscape is the plaintif, not DoJ - (drewk)
         This is civil...and made possible by DOJ - (bepatient)
         Cool. Who's next? - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
             What hear about the CA class action suit? - (Ashton)
         Et tu, AOL? - (marlowe) - (1)
             Agreed, a pox on them both. - (nking)
     And here you have it! - (jb4) - (1)
         yup, end of story.all said -NT - (boxley)
     "Microsoft Beats Forecasts" - again . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
         Ahhhhhhhh sort of like... - (folkert)
     Microsoft to be split. - (acagle) - (2)
         Bitch - (Yendor)
         Interesting idea... - (static)
     Microsoft security flaw closes their store. - (a6l6e6x)
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