We Know What Corporate Wants.

Besides, you haven't been doing your homework - the amount paid by "The Government", about a postage stamp a year per capita; maybe even less by now - is hardly even 14% of the budget. Newt's long-term defunding ploy has pretty much worked.. and will hardly be noticed, given the digital attention span.

As a result, Archer-Daniels-Midland and others are getting their smarmy messages on as 'sponsors', more and more often. When Murica has a "non-commercial public network" - it will be the most commercial non-commercial network ever devised. (As was noted years ago: when Murica builds a small car - it'll be the biggest, heaviest least economical small car ever.)

KPFA-FM, OTOH launched its "listener sponsored" station in early '50s. No govt. support at all. Not many others around elsewhere, I note. We like 'free' stuff.

Given that about 1/7 of PBS listeners support with $ and the rest freeload, it's pretty clear that Muricans generally, have no idea what TANSTAAFL means anyway - along with all the other things not known.

So no need to worry pretty little head that there will actually *be* more than a token alternative to the homogenized -fotainment. Except on the web - til we start seeing various ISP Ashcroft Security rules, with PATRIOT-II.

Nope, nothing to worry about - your preference for a series of wars will be +positively+ 'covered' - it's 'embedded', one might say. Hmmm - maybe it will be handiest for him to just shut down PBS "funding". But then - with the pittance of 14% yanked: it will survive anyway, till physically trashed by the Home Guard.
