And probably the kinds of deliberations the Founding Mothers, or their worthy descendants might well have held. And while all review is by definition '20/20 backwards', the practice certainly ought to be a frequent one: it's the only way you might notice where you made detours upon detours. Rationalization is the common daily danger.

Alas, given the general level of maturity of the species - so are some of Addison's points a necessary component. And often the more egregious of our repetitions of historically bad desisions - stem from the idea of 'survival'.

Trouble is, as you so astutely observe: what Nietzsche said. I agree that in (too) many ways, our quick 'outs' for immediate but only apparent 'advantage' - have been not nearly States-person like, and some.. the behavior of even such as, we dub 'cowards' (which every fearful bully actually is).

The Marshall Plan was arguably our highest level of species-survival behavior of the last century. (We had no choice in joining against the Axis powers - admirable as that might have seemed initially - our own survival was in the stakes; even 80 IQ jingoists could finally see That one)

IMhO we still have much arrogance to be deflated from, far too much of the world's potential wealth -- dedicated to the engorgement of (our) individuals' personal fortunes / power to direct others' lives. But until such an idea is even acknowledged, then debated: it will be buffered as YAN anti-Murican concept. Of course! it is uncomfortable to deal with such questions.

We want to be #1 In All Things - including in philosophy; of "how best to live a life on this particular planet". Many Muricans (still) believe that God IS on our side (the only er God which counts, that is). So it's easy for us to dis all those Other Gods with the same claim -- and, we do.

(Watch the violence next - against locals with funny head scarves or other noticeable Differences from.. TheNikeGapK-Mart fashion.)

So long as we (can and do) rely upon our unmatched physical power / military might, and behave arrogantly: the above question will never come up.

Tuesday's events might catalyze introspection.. some gradual improved understanding of that history you encapsulated above (?) or.. just plain-ol' vengeance; rhetoric, more bullying - and sameold sameold.

I know which I'm pulling for.. and fortunately, we have no Idea what tomorrow's crisis = danger + opportunity might reveal! (Otherwise.. life in Murica as an endless extrapolation of our $-obsessed materialism.. would be too depressing to even worry pretty little heads about)

Ashton Optimist
An inflection point.. my kingdom for an inflection point!