Amy Fowler according to her own web page at Sun [link||] started working on the AWT in 1995. This blows away the thesis that she came from the outside and was involved in the AWT. In fact according to this blog [link||http://blog.xesoft.c...ood_read_no_truth] "Amy has worked at Sun since she graduated from college 14 years ago. The last bit of Smalltalk she wrote was in 1987 in a *college* course." After doing a bit of research on my own, I have also corroborated the fact that Amy Fowler has been at Sun for a long time since the late 80's.The only fact that may be right is that Amy Fowler is good looking.

While the basic facts regarding Amy Fowler are wrong, I do believe that the Swing team looked at VisualWorks and tried to copy that for reasons that I enumerated in a previous post. That they failed miserably is a testament to how bad a language Java is and how good the VisualWorks developers are.