I agree. This act was one of cowardice because brave men do not beat up on women and children and civilians. Anyone calling these devils brave ought to read up on what the Bible and the Koran have to say about suicide. It is not allowed, period. These evil infected madmen (if they were Islamic or Christian) have disgraced their own religion and will not find favor with Allah or God or with the peace-loving people in the world.

These crazed fanatics have perpetrated one of the most violent and heinous single day terrorists acts in World History and will be placed along side of Hitler, Stalin and the rest of the devil squad as cruel and vicious murderers.

That's the way I see it at this point. Notice that if you drop the d off of devil you get evil. Does anyone suggested these killers of innocent people were not evil?
If not then they have a strange way of showing love and bravery.