Pretty much as Brandioch parsed the one on education - which should be 3 (or maybe 5) separate issues. At least they are attempting to find some sort of replacement for the absurdity of

Left/Liberal/Pinko VS Right/Reactionary/*P
* 'Patriot', as in the last refuge of a scoundrel, per Dr. J's dictionary.

I think the numbers prolly suck as badly as the inane idea that a human intelligence can be numbered with 3 digits (2 for Republican Leaders du jour, not even counting Dan Quayle). But since they are trying, I stifled the yawn and got:

L/R -4.88
A/L -7.64

The false precision is quite misleading; given the siller Qs, I'd say a reasonable result might show a stat. interval (like |----|) Possibly with 3x as many Qs, one might.. justify 2 digits of faux-precision. Still.. we expect too damn much from stupid numbers, when speaking of attitudes towards actual life, a billion personal scams, and rampant inculcation of superstitions.

With some careful refinement, more and better questions - I guess it could approach being workable as an "attitude inventory". I esp. like the Famous Names ref. points. You know that when you get close to Maggie T. that you're a Repo for sure; if nearer Gandhi - at least you haven't totally succumbed to personal-Greed 101, and your fav hobby might not be shopping. So where was Tom Paine? Or any of the Bush or Gore Clan on that map? Ashcroft? (a +11 on Authoritarian? or does he just sound like a Pope)

So then: lose the numbers. Emulate that fine map of "PS Warz" [Billy VS Civilization] and group oneself near certain famous personages, whose overall attitude seems closest to one's own. Let's use the knowledge of folks like the author of the famous map/graph of Napoleon's march VS troops left VS [lots else]. (I have a copy somewhere)


Hmmmm - ETS Move Over:

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Give us your tired, your poor, your arrogant and selfish and we'll put the suckers on a Map.
For a Fee.