no doubt the gutted OEM version. So I may soon have an opportunity to see if:

Nero can come even close to the packet-write simplicity of the Adaptec DirectCD ap, trouble-free world's cheapest floppy which allows the drudgery of backing-up All mail-files, b/mark lists yada in about 5 min. For about 3\ufffd. Not even worth hassle of 'New Only' and father-son rotations and ...

(Damn I miss Doze 3.1 where one .BAT file could do it all, and via the magic switches on pkzip; I mean - Do It All: the entire HD - ready to move to a {ugh} Zip disk or another HD. So simple that a newbie actually Did This regularly and once: had to restore all. It worked. Of course That level took a whole 15 minutes or more, to get the one .zip file to be moved.)

The final nail in the coffin of the terminally slothful majority: It's Too Much Trouble! So I Don't Please Help Me I NEED that File Sorry You Rebooted . . .

Win 9.x + later - where 'backup' is an esoteric art, subject to idiosyncratic failure before, during and after - for 90% of 'users'.