in a country wherein ~40% aren't quite sure whether the Sun goes around the Earth or .?. and where the Any Key has actually prompted calls for Help:

Do you imagine that the entire IT enchilada will get more than a cursory glance from next decade's.. Dan Quayle IV, on a Thursday, before a Holiday weekend?

Get used to it: Judge Jackson was an aberration. Had he kept mouth shut to that &^#%$ reporter/author, there might.. have been some semblance of attention to above matters. Might...

Now? Hah! Look back on *these* as The Good years before ..

..{dreadful bassoon dirge arpeggios..}

...visions of Billy n'Bally Not in jail Ever...

....Dubya's kid a US Senator for the NYC Official (new 51st) Jail State....

[see movie at 11]

M$-AOL-Sun-GE-Walmart Ltd. install one of their Patriot Uniform Security Supplement Boxes in every location with a power outlet, while tattoing your Unified Access Security Sticker # inside your lower lip (U-ASS).

It was a nice dream, tho :-)