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New I will never understand this brand of stupid.
(CNN) A 7-year-old South Carolina girl died one minute into surgery to remove her tonsils, her parents told CNN affiliate WHNS.

Paisley Cogsdill snored in her sleep but was perfectly healthy, relatives said, according to WHNS. But her heart suddenly stopped during the operation in Greenwood on Friday. ...

"Going into surgery, she had no fear," her grandmother, Mary Beth Truelock, told WHNS. "She was smiling and happy. Nothing was wrong." ...

"You don't understand why these things happen but we know it was God's plan," Truelock told WHNS. "And that's the only thing that can get us through, 'cause we know it was God."


How stupid do you have to be to believe in an imaginary friend who murders your grandchildren and then continue to worship the murderous bastard? Jesus H. Palomino tap dancing Christ on a pogo stick, why do we let idiots like that have any say in how we are governed?

I suppose the only upside is that this poor little girl didn't live long enough to have her family fuck her up to the extent her relatives are fucked up.

It's mourning in America again.
New The tenacity of this revelatory 'syndrome' joins the others..
(lumped-under obtuse?) ... as have led to the most compelling sci-fi dystopias, similarly entertaining-while-horrifying ourselves--while also consoling/a bogosity--in the subliminal message,

'See? we're not so bad after all!" ... Were we truly-Fucked: it would be THIS-bad.. (and of course, we're too-smart ever to do ____).

(This clusterfuck always evinces a re-watching of, Dark Star), wherein a passage from biblio-Death 'Genesis' is read-to the Ship's A.I. transistor-thing/Smart Interstellar Bomb (..while also *informing said SIB that 'he' is merely at the end of a link-of-data "from US") -->
* THIS telling-revelation just might rival the later birth-of-The-Menace, for: #1 guarantee of homo-sap seppuku?

After He/She/It blurts out, I must think on this.., silence ensues .... Finally S.I.B. 'opens' for communication with the fucking-Worried crew members, listens a bit ... concluding with: You are false data!
..Well, the rest is Herstory ... SIB's last communique was: Let there be LIght!!!

tl;dr: Homo-sap has yet to approach Enlightenment® close-enough even to piss on its Gravestone. Only the-chosen-Method?? has been the wellspring for speculations.

Of Course: I could be Rong (as even I 'Hope'). A one wonders if: similar all-encompassing-Thoughts accompanied? the people ushered into a 'Brausebad' shower-room (the engineers amongst) noting: Hmmm this steel door has double air-tight rubber seals.. ...
New its a coping mechanism, rather than facing the raw horror of random death
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
New In rare agreement with the boxter
It’s a coping mechanism indeed. It happens not to be one available to most of us here, and “God’s plan” is of course 100% USDA Grade A (or perhaps, taking into account the steady dismantling of regulatory standards in this sector, the metaphor is ill-chosen) fantasy, but if it serves the purpose of in some measure ameliorating the family’s grief, well I, having never had the experience of being up close and personal to the death of a child, am not going to be the one who dope-slaps them and snarls “Get a clue, you witless yokels.”

New I understand that.
What I can't understand is if you've decided you need an invisible friend to help you through your particular trauma, you invent one that purposefully causes that trauma and *then* have the temerity to deem your invented invisible friend worthy of worship.

In other words, if you choose to believe there's some omniscient, omnipresent power that kills children as a part of his/her/its grand plan, how can it be that you conclude that such a power is worthy of worship? It is an absurd conclusion on its face.

It's mourning in America again.
New One needs only peep The Auld Testament™ to see..
where that auto-crafted-Creator is apt to be a Fail, of course. Nevertheless--and in spite of all brilliant Cons to the popular-fantasy-generators--We'unses All ..still lack perspective of any useful Kind re some very-Basic, inescapable Queries (er. "to the Cosmos"?)

1) What? (imaginable... )... Entity/some-Where/some-When ... ... some-How?
... as Created-'Self', invented QM, ∑math/physics-thus chemistry.. thence sorta-explaining: all the Stuff 'seen' across 14ish billion 'years (for which we have yet assigned names), ETC.
2) Why?? the ^above^ happened? still Is happening else-Where? aka Siva opens eyes: a Universe appears; Closes eyes ... talk aboutcher fliberty-gibbets.

Why. Is. There. Anything?--including our manifest-Proof of there being: meat-minds as can encompass both boring gigundo-Facts accumulated
AND even such as Can: 'photograph' their own internal-'self'. Why is there Anything. At. All.
Rest Case--as shall be 'open' for as long as the meat-minds are not all-broiled-together ... "when we Go"
--Thanks Tom Lehrer! for that catchy tune re our pre-extinction-via-W.T.F. ... Knoze(?) :-)

Solve. These. and Be: The Kwisatch Hyperboloid Indeterminoid beyond all Emperors (er, bunkie).

(Message from 'the East'); The Absolute is without Attributes. Transliteration:
It do not hate-fags nor love pet-homo-saps, nor a zillion other imputed 'attributes' and like that.
Meanwhile, what's for supper? (besides Us).
New Yeah, Mike Pence will use it to explain the US Coronavirus deaths to come.

"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."

-- Isaac Asimov
     I will never understand this brand of stupid. - (mmoffitt) - (6)
         The tenacity of this revelatory 'syndrome' joins the others.. - (Ashton)
         its a coping mechanism, rather than facing the raw horror of random death -NT - (boxley) - (4)
             In rare agreement with the boxter - (rcareaga) - (2)
                 I understand that. - (mmoffitt) - (1)
                     One needs only peep The Auld Testament™ to see.. - (Ashton)
             Yeah, Mike Pence will use it to explain the US Coronavirus deaths to come. -NT - (a6l6e6x)

Obeying the Law of Unintended Consequences since 2001.
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