[There should not Be a "But" )... ... yet, these are Not 'the days of Auld Lang Syne'; any. more. With 'Language' Itself under incessant bombardment
from n-quarters (-tenths?)--driven by the Monster's Necessity of Doing Just That, and these fulminations landing upon the many who ...
hardly ever delved into a fucking-Thing, in their entire lives ...

[Name yer fav Prophet/of any galaxy] Subtlety dies when Language is corrupted ..enough. And without that; you can 'communicate'--(some say, not-at-all)
--only the simplest-drivel as pops-into the mind-speak of just any Wunderkind/precocious toddler?

So--were it True!? that Ms. Gabbard be nearly free-of all Usual political-doublespeak--FOR REAL??
Well, you see where this goes -->
"The faults are not in the stars but in Ourselves" defaults to,
"~The faults are in Our Star-worship" of fickle/momentary Infamy, now common. With a hash-tag.

Confucious Was Right: ... And THIS is WHY "Language Must Be Correct!" And only those who ~grew-in to That message ... grok to Fullness, the depth..
The Scale! of the chattering-world's imbecilic behavior. And no, I Don't have any recipe/algorithm/Shock-phrase ... to awaken the sleeping masses-of-the-befuddled.

Nor, has anyone else. Yet. And if it IS 'too-late for reversal of mind-seppuku-accomplished ... well, you know ...

Carrion. Today it is: Sweet Reason in her pretty-blue dress. With all those red stains.