Breaking News via Reuters:

Propaganda Minister Göbbels of the German Nazi Party has demanded that the U.S. of A. extradite for trial: the composer of a popular sarcastic-parody [Der Führer's Face -- by a group called "Spike Jones"] forthwith.

The Reich-#III asserts that, to make fun of a man who has only one testicle and who employs a comb-over haircut: is an unacceptable affront to the peace-loving Leader of Germany, the home of The Master Race. (And of the Stuka and lots of other weaponry). Radio Berlin is filled with stories of massed 'Junker?' large aeroplanes being fitted with additional gas tanks in a Spanish coastal city near Guernica.

The Press awaits news from Washington D.C. concerning its response. There are rumors also of a reference made in the missive [re. "a filthy-Jew named Charles Chaplin"] allegedly resident in the U.S.A., who has been requested to join Mr. Jones "for a brief interview" with The Leader of The Reich. Stay tuned to radio-KGO for updates on this growing international crisis.