Muricans do their worst shit via machine-thinking and machine implements. It's easier and often risk-free (especially if you're a Caucasian-type -vs- one of an already demoted tribe) say.. one whose very skin-color appears to frighten an Armed-Cop to the point of knee-jerk repeated firing into the actively dying, like the guy already strapped into his car seat, as in that assassination live-streamed. (Heard today that the jury didn't convict the 'feared-for-his-life' multiple-shooter.)

Disclaimer: I've met a number of Cops of mensch stature and with all neurons apparently quite in order; ie (all generalizations are false, including this one.)

Nice idea, but the assailant might hurt hisself. Haven't heard of a female running amok with a chain-saw, but ... well, there's likely an Ann Coulter prototype just waiting for the opportunity to be Number One.
Yup, pretty bad ju-ju here, re settling even minor altercations: a Nation of Slaver-ancestry (and more adolescent Drumpfian instincts than most would admit.) What's not to loathe?