I wondered what serious programmers used today, especially given how much hassle a merely misplaced ';' can create. The sample there looks like what I had imagined color could do, especially flagging crucial Operators (in whatever context: I presume you customize that re your own Oops-prevention.)

I'm supposing also that, once I get all Mavericated with a shiny new Safari, I can find a style sheet which might be oriented to just this purpose (maybe also mail, text if it can be made System-wide.)
Just realized again: that the layout for Error messages, all the Hardware config endless screens in Doze could have been treated: but I haven't needed to see more than a handful of OS X Notices!

Thanks, Steverino! :-) Garlic! or Vegemite to the New Apple-beast-Corp and its memory, other blatant extortions :-(
It's a few days short of 6 years now of this iMac's Yeoman performance.. gratitude sent --> to the digital deities.

Hey! ya Fixed the eliding of a single '>' in the new character mode! Neat.