Especially because you do bear in mind the differences that 'clinical' (tries to) set out.
Knew a woman in '70s; her nick was Drama Queen ... histrionics, emotional excesses, often of the reductio kind
--imputing oversimplified pop-psych. (She wasn't stupid, just her emotional thermometer was badly calibrated.)

But whether this derived from self-love or self-loathing? was never apparent (to moi, anyway.) It's often tragic
that psychology is such a pseudo-science, oft taken to be Authoritative. ('It' can get you jailed/or freed!
via clever-enough pseudo-lawyering, thus adding to the rampant earned-cynicism all about.

Humans rate a FAIL so often, for an inability to just tell the truth: I. Don't. Know.
(in very many cases of our anointed Deciders. cf. The Shogunate.) And way too-many White-coated ones.