I had enough of dancing screen otters from my former employer the lawfirm, remember?

But I was thinking of creating my own otters, for the use of good instead of evil. Whenever I created a program that did something useful and was innovative, I called it an Otter as a joke. But the management kept changing the requirements just before I got it done, and I had to start all over again. If I reinvent the wheel, and do it without managers screwing me up, I think I can hammer out some decent software packages, if only I could get some time to myself and away from my family for a while. Problem is the job search, the family, and trying to clean up my "war room" and the rest of the house keeps me too darn busy to do much. But I do have ideas, oh yes, I do have ideas.

OTTER = Online Totoally Terrific Electronic Resource

They rejected my idea to name a project that, but the fools! The fools! They couldn't see the brilliance of my work, ahahahahah!

Now what were we talking about?