(And sadly, as always)
we are beginning to learn ...
UPS driver.. local haircutter.. other random encounters suggest that this particular %we does not appear to be increasing. Has the collective achieved Experience-proof-ness?

Are they now only outliers who can still recall the phrase, guns and butter?
How does one teach Not-learning, So Well? (And, was that process patented yet?)

The comments thus far heard, from Profs of CE and the like - suggest that the 'points scale' to assign risk-levels of things like bridges, derives from more than a soup\ufffdon of gut-level intuition, naturally informed by experience. About as satisfying as the assignment of IQ numbers (?)

Oblig in olden times ref -
Thanks be to Cthulhu that, long before my arrival - the attic space was well and truly inundated with strange rock-wool looking? insulation, rendering biped-space habitable via mere fan (or on sizzlers as shall be coming more often: the breadbox-size Israeli-designed swamp-cooler box, perfectly adequate for 'personal space'.)

One does Soo like to beat the system(s)
Yet with one's own water-supply and waste bug-biology systems to be utterly responsible for, maintenance is never optional. Now then ... when cheap roll-out like-roofing Solar cells arrive - I see I see a garage-as-Power-plant, too.

Infra-Red Structure!