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New "whole word" adventures.
I learnt to read using the "phonics" method. So did my younger brother. But my even younger sister did not; the school was shifting to a "whole word" program by then. She's only a good reader because everyone in the family is.

I hear the education department shifted back to a phonics scheme within a few years.


"All around me are nothing but fakes
Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"

Collapse Edited by static Feb. 2, 2002, 11:56:59 PM EST
"whole word" adventures.]

"All around me are nothing but fakes
Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"

     Review request: phonics - (Arkadiy) - (35)
         Time. Lots of time. - (Yendor) - (26)
             All this phonics stuff what? - (ben_tilly) - (23)
                 Minor note: your history is off in both time and place - (tonytib) - (20)
                     Ben's kind'a right: Carthage was founded a Phoenician colony -NT - (CRConrad) - (19)
                         Exactly, and... - (ben_tilly) - (18)
                             On Malta, I was told they were of Phoenician decent. -NT - (a6l6e6x)
                             Re: Exactly, and and... - (GBert) - (16)
                                 They were, see book of Mormon -NT - (boxley)
                                 But would the Carthaginians... - (ben_tilly) - (14)
                                     Dont know enough to answer - (boxley)
                                     Re: But would the Carthaginians... - (GBert) - (12)
                                         Pax Romana! -NT - (a6l6e6x)
                                         I find it strange that... - (ben_tilly) - (4)
                                             they dont let them use wheat sheaves anymore :) -NT - (boxley) - (1)
                                                 A regime joke - (GBert)
                                             It is a little strange ... - (GBert) - (1)
                                                 If I get it right... - (Arkadiy)
                                         Just look at the EU Commisioner, mr "Roman" Prodi - (CRConrad) - (5)
                                             Re: Holy Roman Empire - (a6l6e6x) - (2)
                                                 OK, neither Holy nor Roman; but why/how wasn't it an Empire? -NT - (CRConrad) - (1)
                                                     Just too small in area. -NT - (a6l6e6x)
                                             Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation - (boxley) - (1)
                                                 By then Anatolia had been taken from Byzans by... the Turks. -NT - (CRConrad)
                 So are you claiming the telephone and gramophone... - (CRConrad) - (1)
                     The connection isn't a naming similarity - (ben_tilly)
             All this phonics stuff what? - (ben_tilly)
             Re: Time. Lots of time. - (admin)
         Phonics, definitely - (wharris2) - (1)
             "whole word" adventures. - (static)
         Thne primary tool you need: Any other language than English. -NT - (CRConrad) - (1)
             Got that :) -NT - (Arkadiy)
         My guess is that IWE folk are not the norm. - (Ashton) - (1)
             yup phonics sound it out progressivly -NT - (boxley)
         flash card and mguffy readers - (boxley) - (1)
             Second the McGuffy Eclectic Readers. - (Another Scott)

The only reason the bongos are the worst is because AIs have never tried chicken nuggets before.
56 ms