- that Everything in the Universe might be predigested, imploded into a bite-sized TLA. For Our Comfort and Convenience cha cha cha

[Surely.. you re Putting Us On [again] ... Shirley]

Maybe you and the desiccated wraith of L Ron could thence market YAN Religion for Our Times: Minimal-Thoughtism.
Oh wait.. we have -

Effortless Excellence? Mindless Mastery?
All the Catchy Beethoven Tunes on ONE CD! - with the Mantovani Orch., assisted by Kenny G and Yanni. Extra: Variations/noodling by Chick Corea (rhymes with diarrhea)

It's noon. I did tensors from 10-10:20, Riemann from 11-11:30. Cosmology will be completely summarized from 12:00-12:10. Then I can watch Elimidate reruns.
