ELSE. Wasn't intended for you Peter. Though I understand your concern and dislike of being called a Biggot, should I call you an Exchange Shill then?

Would that make it better? No I doubt it.

But, needless to say, you might be surprised at how much there is available with the plugin.

I know, many people have been waiting for this event to come. Personally, I don't like Exchange... and you know why. My favorite Pay-For-Proprietary-Software Groupware suite is GroupWise. Funny isn't it. How the company that supplies the GroupWare suite I like most, also provides the connector to Exchange, written company that they own, going the full monty.

Soon, sir my prediction of a few months ago, are going to be apparent. (Groupwsie being FOSS within 2 years), and not because of a Desperate Company trying to make a hedge bet that, that action will turn it around.

Wait, we shall see.

Peter, I sincerely apologize for hurting your feelings.