Under the God-rubric (any one of those) - highest allegiance devolves to the voices in one's head - interpreting what God wants me to do.

Highest allegiance means clearly enough, now over millennia: No matter *what* that subsequent 'decoded' behavior means - towards any single other homo-sap around: or all of them Not-Like-Me (and often enough: those too, with sl. different head-visions).

Are the Muslims more extreme in that subserviece to voices in the head.. than current Judaism: seems true. Yet Jews assuredly deem the phrase Chosen People a valid depiction of Who *They* Are = others are less-chosen / chosen to be lesser. QED. All the seeds are present in all corporate religious dogma:

US vs THEM. Forever. It's God's Will\ufffd.

Language fails in such a milieu. As we see. My reasoned response is:

Fuck all you believers, 'Believers' Righteous-Ones (!) All. Stuff your various: 70 'virgins', sitting at Right-Hand of Golden Thrones, harp-playing androgynes and other fantasy creations of fearful diseased minds. Your despicable fantasies are at war with all life, as you wait for your various shopping-mall rewards, Later (and for now too many: SAP - Soon As Possible). Afraid to Live, Believers yearn for Death all the while Fearing Death. It is also to *laugh* !

You carry the seeds of the suicide of the entire species (and perhaps all.. more complex than bacteria). We have the techno-means for this no longer to be mere hyperbole. WTC/anthrax/whatever appears next week [?] all lead perfectly towards that level of frustration as induces in fragile homo-sap egos:

Mindless Chaotic Spasm War. [see Rand Corp. definition]
20-50K deliverable missiles today on Two Minute alert, as all along since M.A.D. became policy.

If that is not yet inexorable.. give it a few months.

Fie on thee, Holy Blithering Idiots All.

(I am not afraid 'to die'; especially if it clears the slate for a replacement - actually sentient species - to begin a slightly different climb from the slime. The Cosmos has infinite illusionary-time for its experiments. This one is nearing.. 'time' to sterilize the Petri dishes. Bang or usual maudlin whimper - all the same.)