People in a Democracy are used to managing their own affairs. If the country allows enough freedom (even in a non-democracy) to allow people to determine their own affairs (where to work, where to travel, what to do, what to buy), then it's a short road to democracy.

However, it's really like that in just a small part of the world. In most of the world, people are RULED, by monarchs, dictators, and meddling governments. The people of Iraq have never really managed their own affairs, personally, or as a country. Someone has always ruled them.

Now you come and tell them they are free to do what they please, they don't believe you. They ask you what to do, they expect to be told. The few who do "get it" then begin a campaign to bring their faction (Sunni, Shi'ite) into ruling power. That's all they know, rule or be ruled.

Glen Austin