built a cabin with hand tools -- In my dreams!
sawed wood with a double crosscut saw -- No
butchered an animal for food (fish count) -- Yes (ahh, that weekend in Tres Ritos!)
have made their own snow shoes, bridle -- No
have made their own shoes, shirt, jacket -- No
have started a fire with flint and iron (all scouts chime in) -- Uh-uh
fished with a net -- Yes, one time
milked a cow(manually or auto) -- NO (...and haven't milked an auto, either....)
churned butter by hand (blender doesnt count) -- No, but did make ice cream by hand once...similar
have read by a candle or kerosene -- Yes,
split wood -- Yes
sailed a boat -- Yes, won several dinghy regattas in my day...
roll over a kyak -- No
ridden a horse -- Yes (both English and Western)
ridden a bull -- No
and made their own beer wine and hard likker. -- No, but was able to partake of the results of a friend's efforts (which were not all that good, actually...)