If inthane wants to quiz me until he is satisfied that my claim is likely true first, that is his choice. But since I actually have done what is claimed, it likely will save time all around for him to start off assuming that I have the basic background that I claim. He also may remember me talking about economics in a way which suggests basic familiarity, although not true expertise. (Several other people who have been involved with IWETHEY understand economics far better than I do.)

Incidentally Econ 101 at the university that I took it at was basic micro-economics.

As for why I didn't give you that luxury before, I've had more than a few experiences with people who flame Creationists at the drop of a hat but, when push comes to shove, don't really understand evolution or the historical cases for (and against) it. Therefore I don't find that a good assumption to make on that topic.

So I didn't make it in your case. And you chose to get upset rather than demonstrate that the assumption would be warranted. And you have since chosen to bring the incident up every so often.

You know, there is something hypocritical about getting ticked off at me for not giving you the benefit of the doubt, while simultaneously doing nothing that might convince me that my doubt was unwarranted...
