in fact I got an email from him saying that he left and won't be back. I wrote to him asking if he was going to leave, and he said he was. He cited problems with the other Admins and the whole Groupthink thing that IWETHEY members seem to have. Even with my muddled mind and reading comprehension disabilities, I could plainly understand that Karsten left on his own.

Sure the other people attacked him, and talked about what he did, but Karsten made the decision to leave, nobody else did. Someone may have suggested it it him, but it was ultimately his decision. I wish him good luck where ever he goes and what ever he does.

It is a matter of perception, others had the perception that Karsten was using the mailing list for personal things. My perception was that he was using it to get Internet Registrations for those that didn't want to give our their personal info. Should have used a free web mail account for that and avoided the whole thing, but he chose to use the mailing list address. That is what started the whole issue. Mistakes got made, but they could have been corrected.