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New You're *still* bullshitting.
[Some older stuff that slunk in:]
Personally though, I prefer:
Accuse/Trial/Hang rather than other preferred sequences, even where time is so incredibly precious, as in this production facility.
Still, *nobody else* "hung" Karsten.

He unsubscribed *himself* from the mailing list (that is, at least he said he would, Idunno); he *himself* bid us a dramatic adieu and vowed never to come back.

(And then apparently -- but this is admittedly hearsay, so label it "gossip" if you will [but do you *really* want to accuse her of outright *lying*?] -- mailed the Fluffybird exhortations to "correct" the "damage" *she* had "caused"! What fucking way of pissing off is that, if you're simultaneously trying to weasel in your input through the back door?!?)

Hilarious (to be fair, probably intentionally):
There: Fair and Balanced Reportage.
Yeah, right, mr Fairwitness...

[Responding to Ashton's Edit-added last paragraph:]
I'll go farther - you may in fact be Right-On, in your simple summary - as recent information suggests - but I could not See It, given the blanket of pile-on noise, which I found particularly odious. The "analysis of gossip" is always and everywhere Still bogus, IMO.
WHAT fucking "analysis of gossip" ???

The most gossip-y posts I've seen on this subject are still *yours*.

And WHAT fucking "pile-on noise" ???

Are people not *allowed* to speak up when shit they don't like happens? Is it somehow "unfair" for several people to respond, when ALL those several people have been insulted, just because the insult-er is one and the insult-ees are many? Is it somehow an evil conspiracy -- which seems to be what you're trying to imply with your "piling on" crap -- for each of them to defend himself (and in the process possibly his friends)?

Truth will out, eventually. Maybe just as well that it isn't stark..
It was always there, pretty fucking stark naked for everyone to see.

You must have *chosen* not to see it.

   [link|mailto:MyUserId@MyISP.CountryCode|Christian R. Conrad]
(I live in Finland, and my e-mail in-box is at the Saunalahti company.)
Resident [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=119792|zIWETHEY pilkunnussija]
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That an Admin matter on a peripheral list spilled-over 'here' - started this. And the way it got here, fuzzy - piqued the standard desire to know all the details.

That having occurred, Karsten chose not to provide his version, complaints; chose to split in high dudgeon. Leaving only: hey, Something happened.

My bitching has been about the embellished speculations that went on and on and - in your nom-de-plumage, the avian "analysis" of the rumors: as-if that rehash of "what other non-combatants said" might produce, close-enough to 'truth'. It was just rearranging the hearsay and opinions IMO; I bitched because I disagree that it clarified anything, and I think that distinction important - whether or not you do. (And Owlet was prodded to play this, as she has said - reluctantly.) You can read the sequence any way you like. I read it this way.

All along, the Admins clearly refrained from "giving a version". So why not clear up the rumours? I believe they kept silent, simply to spare Karsten's feelings, as any pointed recitation would only dredge up private exchanges (as got dredged up anyway! but obliquely, as hearsay..)

In choosing this, so have they been open to speculations - as Bad Guys in some aspect. IM semi-informed opinion, there were no Bad guys (decisions) and that silence was the honorable, if tough choice.) Kudos to all.

So finally - yes, your simple-summary is close enough - but I can't see that you had any more first-person confirmation than the rest, your pompous Let Me Explain, notwithstanding.

I regret we had to hear Anybody's side unless both. That's Karsten's choice (too). I suppose it was unavoidable to want all the whys, when someone around here this long stomps out - even when nobody who Knows is talking.

I thought our cure was worse than the disease, but - I shoulda left it dying out the first time - even if pissed at the process. We don't always get closure. Mea culpa.

Guess we can go back to sleep, til somebody invades something new, next.

     What the *FUCK* are you gibbering about, mr Alzheimer ?!? - (CRConrad) - (7)
         ... - (admin) - (2)
             Ha! :-) -NT - (Another Scott)
             That's what being a parent will do :-) -NT - (ChrisR)
         Pshaw___and: no. - (Ashton) - (3)
             Oh ferchrissakes.... - (bepatient)
             You're *still* bullshitting. - (CRConrad) - (1)
                 Last reply on topic. - (Ashton)

My name's Friday. I carry a badge.
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