Well, you would be wrong if you thought I did not like Jews because of who they are. It's a person by person kind of thing. Some of my best friends are Jews. I've gone to school with them and worked with them from 7th grade in NYC, and on. I've had a Jewish college roommate (by choice). I've been to 3 bar mitzvahs and 2 Jewish weddings, one "mixed wedding" and driven or flown hundreds of miles to attend these. I've been an overnight guest in a Jewish home and vice versa. Obviously, they had low
standards. :)

As a child, I shared with Jews the experience of being on the wrong side of an electrified barbed wire fence of a Nazi concentration camp. I'm fortunate to have survived that.

There is some uniquely (European) Jewish style of humor that I enjoy.

I've known Jews that have "rubbed me the wrong way", too.

Anyway, I hope you can get the point.

I have not found the URL where I picked up the mention Israeli "monarchists". It was a few days ago and I was looking at Google hits on various religious parties and groups (RPN, Shas, and such). The reference may have been indirect.

But, I hope you're not going to tell me the ultra-Orthodox Jews are like the others. Here are some links that make that "monarchist" comment plausible:
Some of the ultra-Orthodox do not even recognize the nation of Israel.

[link|http://www.jrep.com/Info/10thAnniversary/1997/Article-6.html|Khomeinization battles.]
[link|http://www.foigm.org/IMG/battle.htm|Religious tensions.]
Mea She'arim: The quarter of Jerusalem's ultra-Orthodox communities. North of Shivtei Israel Street, or up Straus Street from the corner of Jaffa Road and King George. Here about one thousand ultra-Orthodox Jews live the life of the Polish shtetl (Jewish village). Some of them do not acknowledge the State of Israel created by Zionists as it could hinder the coming of the Messiah. The entire area is closed to motor traffic on the Sabbath. Visitors should make sure they are modestly dressed (no short pants or sleeveless dresses).

[link|http://www.travelnet.co.il/israel/Jerusalem/M.htm|Mea She'arim.]
[link|http://www.yale.edu/yup/books/071914.htm|Shrink Link.]

The criticism of US not exporting democracy is fair. But, it would be
called meddling if the US did actively export it.