Something about ~ "Do not look for My Father's Kingdom above or at an appointed hour" IIRC and,

The Kingdom is all around you, but You Will Not see it.

Well put, Mike - but it'll likely go Zooom ^^

(As with all this stuff, the homo-sap mind has a hell of a lot of trouble disabusing itself of inane ideas about 'Eternity' bein some looong time. D'Oh. Our ordinary untrained wetware just can't grok the concept of Timelessness == absence of Time.)

No wonder all these late night preachers screw up anything metaphysical, read allegories n'metaphors as the denotation and not the Fscking connotation! -- then sanctimoniously {with lip-quiver} pretend to know what "God Wants >You< To Do Because I Talk to Her All the Time" - like with Jimmy at the bar.


If yer gonna do the Christianity Trip - at least Get It Right and quit blamin poor Jesus for your sleepin through the Important Parts of the drill. Bloody ATM-religion seems the In-thing with these troglodytes havin a Field Day in DC, butterin up poor dumb Shrub -- and demolishing bridges with all humanity.

Could there be a worse 'sin' than $@%&@^#* Sanctimony perpetrated by the terminally foul-minded? "Compassionate" + "Conservative" [Hah] Gawd we tolerate such Dumb Fscking excuses for 'Government' these days. Without a whimper. And then the insufferable ego-besotted hypocrites even preach to *us* !!