Your subject line should read: I don't go into war zones. It's sickening that you have the audacity to equate your going to a cushy job making WMD to a member of 3ID (or 1st Marine or any service man or woman) doing their job. You paid your dues, list 'em.

Got your 20 in?

Got anything higher than the Fire Guard award? (National Defense - given upon completion of basic training whenever any "war" is in progress.)

Got a "Good Boy" (Good Conduct - 3 years without disciplinary action)

How about a "Good Job" (Army Achievement) or a "Even Better Job" (Army Commendation), you know, the ones given upon transfer from one unit to the next, provided you showed up for "work" daily.

How about the harder stuff,
Any Purple Hearts?


Bronze Star with a V?

You've not earned anything here, nor have you "paid any dues".