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Open HDTV Tuner - (Seamus) - (5)
Politics How did the framers define Militia? - (Seamus) - (12)
Politics NYT on AG scandal - maybe we should be asking what the - (Seamus)
Politics half a peace sign - (Seamus)
Theory and Practice of Programming Street addresses are a real PITA - (Seamus)
Regional/World Conflict John is like the Dabney Coleman char in On Golden Pond - (Seamus)
Politics Have you seen the quality of school text books? - (Seamus) - (1)
Politics I don't know what they were thinking - (Seamus) - (9)
Politics The state is in a budget crisis - (Seamus) - (12)
Politics Appoitment could possibly be illegal - (Seamus)
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When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend.
58 ms