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General Q&A Trying to find the date for a song - (Nightowl) - (9)
Epicuria and Health Thanks, more info. :) - (Nightowl) - (3)
Epicuria and Health Questions about metabolism - (Nightowl) - (12)
Open Re: Depends on who you are. - (Nightowl)
Suggestions I did read it, Peter - (Nightowl) - (1)
Suggestions Question -- will this be an optional change? - (Nightowl) - (13)
Open Same here, Alex! - (Nightowl) - (1)
Open Re: Happy New Year - (Nightowl)
Hardware Thanks for that explanation! - (Nightowl)
Hardware That's what we're finding too - (Nightowl)
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12V at mucho amps, etc.
712 ms