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The Water Cooler So sorry to hear that, Scott! - (Nightowl)
The Water Cooler Carl... words fail me. - (Nightowl) - (14)
The Water Cooler My Aunt Jeffie (dad's sister) died Sunday - (Nightowl) - (24)
The Water Cooler Thanks all! - (Nightowl)
The Water Cooler You're in my prayers, Laura - (Nightowl)
Flame Quarantine I concur with that! - (Nightowl)
Flame Quarantine Absolutely - (Nightowl)
Jobs Glad to hear it's still all working out! -NT - (Nightowl)
Flame Quarantine Re: What the fuck is wrong with you? - (Nightowl) - (2)
Flame Quarantine Re: Data Entry - (Nightowl) - (4)
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Consider the job: to build a structure based on live bone and meat that has to perform under extreme forces in one of the most corrosive environments on the planet. Has to look good too.
607 ms