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Rand Careaga

Now viewing page 566 of 603
Regional/World Conflict **Yes!!** It **rings a bell!** -NT - (rcareaga)
Regional/World Conflict Re: Does "Niger" ring a bell? - (rcareaga) - (4)
Regional/World Conflict "Welcome to hell...the chick was in the way" - (rcareaga)
Regional/World Conflict Re: Not really by choice - (rcareaga)
Regional/World Conflict Re: What doesn't work against Israel etc - (rcareaga) - (1)
Regional/World Conflict Re: Your examples - (rcareaga)
Regional/World Conflict What's this, then? - (rcareaga) - (2)
News Picks more news from UK - (rcareaga) - (3)
Regional/World Conflict Re: Why would he do that? - (rcareaga)
Regional/World Conflict nice save... - (rcareaga) - (1)
Now viewing page 566 of 603

This looks like the output of a Markov bot that's been fed bus timetables from a city where the buses crash constantly.
723 ms