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Jack Troughton

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Hardware You'll prolly want to do that - (jake123)
Open Could be he decided he wanted out of the job - (jake123)
Suggestions Seconded. -NT - (jake123)
Open I've got the song up by itself on youtube now - (jake123)
Open It got moved to Vimeo; they liked the video quality better. - (jake123) - (2)
Open Hey everyone, check this one out - (jake123) - (5)
Politics Good god - (jake123)
Politics That may be - (jake123) - (1)
Suggestions Not quite right... a little more nuance is required - (jake123)
Politics Then your fellow citizens are cretinous sociopaths. - (jake123) - (5)
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Ever since then, I can easily spot a sociopathic liar.
561 ms