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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Just telling the truth. Deal with it.
It's more than just a military success.
Victory was the answer - to a great many problems.
When the facts speak for themselves, only a fool insists on having a debate.
The future is leaving the station, the US is at the throttle, and the Left isn't on board.
New Re: Just telling the truth. Deal with it.
If you were to see the medium sized picture...
it would be a huge step up for you.

Den Beste and I are both way smarter than you. So get over yourself.

Personal attack. No proof offered.

Looks like somebody's using the "Big Lie" technique, since they don't have any real proof.

Yet Another Worthless Marlowe Drive-By.
After 9/11, Bush made two statements:
1. "Terrorists hate America because America is a land of freedom and opportunity."
2. "We intend to attack the root causes of terrorism."

Sounds like everything is going according to plan.
New WMD == Worthless Marlowe DriveBy?
New *chuckle*
If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. Fudd's First Law of Opposition

New Possible LRPDISM
Although to immortalize Marlowe within a LRPDism would inexorably taint the LRPD for all time...so Upon further review, I retract.....
"We continue to live in a world where all our know-how is locked into binary files in an unknown format. If our documents are our corporate memory, Microsoft still has us all condemned to Alzheimer's."
Simon Phipps, SUN Microsystems
New Actually...
I avoid political and religious references in the LRPDisms.

I'd put this under "political".

Slams, also, are limited to good-natured slams.

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New Statement of the obvious. Was preceeded by the proof.
In fact, I linked to the proof in the post that started it all.

Failure on your part to connect assertion with proof does not constitute failure on my part to provide proof.

Oh, and both Den Beste and I were right about Iraq. For proof, see any reputable news source.

Get over yourself. Being as deliberately obtuse as you are is a symptom of denial. Denial is unhealthy. You're gonna give yourself a stroke or an ulcer or something.
It's more than just a military success.
Victory was the answer - to a great many problems.
When the facts speak for themselves, only a fool insists on having a debate.
The future is leaving the station, the US is at the throttle, and the Left isn't on board.
New Guess it is time to stop denying things.
You're right, I probably will get an ulcer if I keep taking you seriously, instead of the bigoted, close-minded troll you are.

Fa la laaaa!

G'night, troll! :D Have a nice day!

(And notice the lack of converts you're winning? Hint: it's not because we don't think Saddam is bad - it's because You Are A Troll.)
After 9/11, Bush made two statements:
1. "Terrorists hate America because America is a land of freedom and opportunity."
2. "We intend to attack the root causes of terrorism."

Sounds like everything is going according to plan.
New Dude. You're still missing the point.
I'm not after converts. You people already know you're wrong. I'm after discrediting you before future generations. The only winning tactic the left has ever had has been the Big Lie. Now our side is systemtatically taking that away, by means of the Internet.

The traditional media are still useful idiots. They're too lazy to debunk. But in this phase of history, they matter less and less. Their monopoly is broken, and therefore they are of far less use to the Big Liars of the world.

The traditional "alternate media" have been washed up for quite a while now. They ran out of new material. Why, they were even recycling the "blood for oil" crap from 1991. And that hadn't even worked the first time.

Every lie or spin I see, I debunk, and I get it all on record here. It's all on record. All my facts, all the other side's lies, illogic, and impotent bile. All correlated. Digest the implications of that.

And even if a hard drive crash should wipe out this site, there are countless other such sites, and countless other marlowes. Many of them are more organized and efficient than I am. And we're all on the job, and you can't stop us.

You can't win. You don't even know what the battle is about anymore.
Somebody do something about the looting in the UN cafeteria!
It's more than just a military success.
Victory was the answer - to a great many problems.
When the facts speak for themselves, only a fool insists on having a debate.
The future is leaving the station, the US is at the throttle, and the Left isn't on board.
New Afghanistan.
Still a lawless mess.

Your hero hasn't done anything real to clean it up.

You really think Iraq is going to be any different?

Then ask yourself who the delusional one is.

Not bad as a troll goes. You should probably go back to usenet - there's some guys there who could give you lessons.
After 9/11, Bush made two statements:
1. "Terrorists hate America because America is a land of freedom and opportunity."
2. "We intend to attack the root causes of terrorism."

Sounds like everything is going according to plan.
New I am in (shock and) Awe!
...as to how self delusional one can be!

There is a Psych thesis in his post somewhere, just dying to get out!
"We continue to live in a world where all our know-how is locked into binary files in an unknown format. If our documents are our corporate memory, Microsoft still has us all condemned to Alzheimer's."
Simon Phipps, SUN Microsystems
     The price of hostility to the truth - (marlowe) - (18)
         camels, needles - (rcareaga) - (17)
             If you were to see the medium sized picture... - (marlowe) - (16)
                 Ooo, did his widdle feewings get huwt? -NT - (inthane-chan) - (11)
                     Just telling the truth. Deal with it. -NT - (marlowe) - (10)
                         Re: Just telling the truth. Deal with it. - (inthane-chan) - (9)
                             WMD == Worthless Marlowe DriveBy? -NT - (jbrabeck) - (3)
                                 *chuckle* -NT - (bepatient)
                                 Possible LRPDISM - (jb4) - (1)
                                     Actually... - (admin)
                             Statement of the obvious. Was preceeded by the proof. - (marlowe) - (4)
                                 Guess it is time to stop denying things. - (inthane-chan) - (3)
                                     Dude. You're still missing the point. - (marlowe) - (2)
                                         Afghanistan. - (inthane-chan)
                                         I am in (shock and) Awe! - (jb4)
                 Den Beste is a lot smarter than you, period - (jake123)
                 how uncharacteristically diffident of marlowe - (rcareaga) - (2)
                     Re: how uncharacteristically diffident of marlowe - (deSitter)
                     Well, there's a bit of a hitch to the transformation - - (Ashton)

At times I feel uncomfortably sure that I was a sysadmin by trade.
60 ms