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New answers
>> Are thinking of getting a BS, MS, or PhD? <<

BS for now. In computers too much education counts against you. Is microbiology different?

>> Do you want to be a lab tech or do independent research? <<

I would rather automate lab work or automate research somehow. I don't want to be a lab factory grunt though. I like to automate repetitious tasks, not perform them for the most part.

>> Do you want to work in industry or academia? <<

I don't know.

Good questions.
New Re: answers

>> Are thinking of getting a BS, MS, or PhD? <<

BS for now. In computers too much education counts against you. Is microbiology different?

If you want to do research, you are going to need a Ph.D. The mentality is different than in IT. It's harder to get a job with just a BS. Getting into research requires alot of education, preferably in one of the big research universities, and a strong publication record. You don't get these unless you go onto a Ph.D./postdoc tract.

One thing you should be aware of is almost all biology fields have really low salary scales compared other sciences, engineering, and CS. When I was at LLNL, I was working on a collaborative computational biology project composed of computer scientists, physicists, chemists, and biologiest. We pretty much shared equally in the work; computer scientists were doing biology and biologist were writing code. I later got a hold of the salaries for the group - they're public - and found out the biologists were paid slightly over half of what the computer scientists and physicists were making simply because of their title. This is endemic throughout the industry. The only exceptions to this salary imbalance, AFAIK, are for bioinformatic programmers (see below) and gene therapy researchers with PhDs or MDs.

>> Do you want to be a lab tech or do independent research? <<

I would rather automate lab work or automate research somehow. I don't want to be a lab factory grunt though. I like to automate repetitious tasks, not perform them for the most part.

Do you mean like robotics or something along the lines of pure software developement (e.g. data mining/warehousing)? If it's the former you probably are going to want to go more towards engineering with an emphasis in biology (I think UC Berkeley has such a program, probably other schools too).

If it's the latter, you should look towards the field of bioinformatics, the application of CS to problems in genome analysis. Most people who get into this are biology types that move over to CS. Real software engineers who can work on large scale projects in this field are hard to come by so you may be able to get in without going a full 4 years of school because of the skill shortage. A biology/genetics crash course may be sufficient to get an entry level job. Check around at local universities. In the SF Bay Area, Stanford and UC Berkeley offer crash courses and certification in this field. If you are curious to see what employers are looking for, take a look at companies like Incyte, Celera, or Genetech, or look at the job listings on [link|http://www.biospace.com| Biospace ].

Now before you jump right in, you should be aware that virtually all bioinformatics work is done in Java or OO Perl (take a look at [link|http://www.bioperl.org|BioPerl]).

New No hiding from OO?
>> Real software engineers who can work on large scale projects in this field are hard to come by so you may be able to get in without going a full 4 years of school because of the skill shortage. <<

But how long does that last?

Shortages often lead to a "inventory surplus" in the end. Genetics is sort of in a bubble right now. If it does not deliver soon, investors will start pulling out.

But, like I said, I could perhaps hop back and forth as long as the slumps don't cooincide.

>> Now before you jump right in, you should be aware that virtually all bioinformatics work is done in Java or OO Perl (take a look at BioPerl).<<

Waaaaah! I can't excape OO.

Perhaps because most science school tracks don't teach database/table skills. Thus, they tend to instantiate and process everything in language-specific collections. I need to show them the power of getting GOF-like patterns with mere expressions instead of physical code structure.

Thanks for the advice.
Expand Edited by tablizer Sept. 20, 2001, 10:47:07 PM EDT
New dunno about oop , at sphinx pharm
oop oop was what doberman said to phil silvers:) they were oracle, sql, nix and S
why did god give us a talleywhacker and a trigger finger if he didnt want us to use them?
Randy Wayne White
New "S"? I am also heavily considering the DBA route (NT)
>> they were oracle, sql, nix and S <<
New Re: answers
Now before you jump right in, you should be aware that virtually all bioinformatics work is done in Java or OO Perl (take a look at BioPerl).

Most of [link|http://www.bioreason.com|our] work uses Python. We have a OO molecular model and OO processes controlled by somewhat procedural 'scripts', Often with an OO UI wrapping the input/Output of the scripts

Jay O'Connor

"Going places unmapped
to do things unplanned
to people unsuspecting"
New Biology & education
More is better in biology. A BS will barely get you a lab-tech position. With an MS, you're best off topping out of lab work and doing marketing or other crossover business role. PhDs call all the shots in labs, funding, and research. There's a very strong link between education and status (and pay) in biology. Payscales generally are lower than in computers, though careers tend to be more stable.

My own experience is in the pharmaceutical and genetic engineering industries.
Karsten M. Self [link|mailto:kmself@ix.netcom.com|kmself@ix.netcom.com]
What part of "gestalt" don't you understand?
New Actually, for lab automation, most likely use something like
LabView, which is graphical programming.

I'm pretty sure there are companies that specialize in lab (bio and chemical) automation -- you might want to try searching. However, it's far enough away from my area that I don't know of any companies.

If you work to get through college, you might want to consider working for an automation distributor (e.g. some in the Bay Area are Automation Solutions and Western Technology Marketing), component company (e.g. IDEC, IDC, Parker Compumotor, PacSci, Emerson Electric, Adept, etc), or equivalent biotech company. The advantage is that you'd get to know a lot of people at various companies that use the stuff. And, at least sometimes App Engineers are well paid, although "well" doesn't go as far in the Bay Area.

Good luck,

New re: LabView
I worked for a place that used Labview. I did not use it myself, but most associates did.

The company kept shrinking, however. I don't know what the owners/managers kept doing wrong, but they could not fix the company. (Perhaps their error was hiring an OOP hater?)
     Taking A Career-Hedging Plunge? - (tablizer) - (18)
         Some advice. - (static)
         Questions - (rsf) - (9)
             answers - (tablizer) - (8)
                 Re: answers - (rsf) - (4)
                     No hiding from OO? - (tablizer) - (2)
                         dunno about oop , at sphinx pharm - (boxley) - (1)
                             "S"? I am also heavily considering the DBA route (NT) - (tablizer)
                     Re: answers - (Fearless Freep)
                 Biology & education - (kmself)
                 Actually, for lab automation, most likely use something like - (tonytib) - (1)
                     re: LabView - (tablizer)
         in the pharms field your computer expertise is valuable -NT - (boxley)
         Re: Taking A Career-Hedging Plunge? - (gdaustin) - (5)
             quesitons - (tablizer) - (4)
                 Stop kneejerking on phrases - (Fearless Freep) - (1)
                     reply - (tablizer)
                 Re: quesitons - (gdaustin) - (1)
                     Burger Degree - (tablizer)

Let's make a rendezvous.
103 ms